
Yamato: mitsumeru

Ancient Hebrew: mishmereth

Modern Japanese: みつめる strongs: 4931
Romanization:      mitsumeru
JMDict:                 1604580
H4931. mishmereth, noun feminine, guard, watch, charge, function, 1, guard, watch:, house of detention, confinement, keep the watch, post of watch, guards, 2, keeping, preserving, 3, charge, injunction, 4. a., ceremonial, office, function, charge, perform the service imposed by, due to, c, d, according to, their offices, to their offices, b., pl. of Levitical, divisions, be tawny, dark
mishmereth -> mizumereth -> mitsumeru
Modern Japanese meaning: Ancient Hebrew meaning:
to stare at, to gaze at, to look hard at, to watch intently, to fix one's eyes on H4931. mishmereth, noun feminine, guard, watch, charge, function, 1, guard, watch:, house of detention, confinement, keep the watch, post of watch, guards, 2, keeping, preserving, 3, charge, injunction, 4. a., ceremonial, office, function, charge, perform the service imposed by, due to, c, d, according to, their offices, to their offices, b., pl. of Levitical, divisions, be tawny, dark
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