
Yamato: wakeru

Ancient Hebrew: bachar

Modern Japanese: わける strongs: 977
Romanization:      wakeru
JMDict:                 1503000
H977. bachar, verb, choose, b\xearu, Qal, Infinitive construct, 1, a., divine choice, b., man"s choice, 2, 3, choose some one or something for:, human choice persons, 4, choose, select from, 5, 6, for this thou hast chosen rather than affliction, all that thou choosest, upon me, 7, companion, chosen, chosen chariots, chosen men, warriors, 8, test, try, I have tested thee in the furnace of affliction, Niph`al, to be chosen, chosen, choice, death will be chosen rather than life, choicer than, choicer, to Yahweh, Pu`al, chosen, selected
bachar -> bacher -> bacheru -> pakeru -> hakeru -> wakeru
Modern Japanese meaning: Ancient Hebrew meaning:
to divide (into), to split (into), to part, to separate, to divide up, to classify, to sort out, to divide out, to share, to distribute, to deal out, to dish out, to distinguish, to discriminate, to differentiate (between), to break up (a fight), to mediate, to call a draw, to tie, to push one's way through (a crowd), to sell H977. bachar, verb, choose, b\xearu, Qal, Infinitive construct, 1, a., divine choice, b., man"s choice, 2, 3, choose some one or something for:, human choice persons, 4, choose, select from, 5, 6, for this thou hast chosen rather than affliction, all that thou choosest, upon me, 7, companion, chosen, chosen chariots, chosen men, warriors, 8, test, try, I have tested thee in the furnace of affliction, Niph`al, to be chosen, chosen, choice, death will be chosen rather than life, choicer than, choicer, to Yahweh, Pu`al, chosen, selected
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