
Yamato: homare

Ancient Hebrew: kabod

Modern Japanese: homare strongs: 3519
Romanization:      homare
JMDict:                 1544900
H3519. kabowd, noun masculine, feminine, abundance, honour, glory, 1, abudance, riches, 2, honour, splendour, glory, a., wealth and splendour, b., splendour of his wealth, c., of God, glory, in historic and ideal, 3, honour, dignity, withhold from honour, descend from, send after, take me to honour, before honour, humility, dignitaries, nobility, 4, honour, reputation, neither will it be for thine honour, and searching out of their glory is, the honour of God is to conceal a thing, but the honour of kings is to search out a thing., 5, my honour, 6, honour, reverence, glory, of men, due to a father, do honour to, the honour due to me, say Glory, exult with, 7, the object, my glory, their glory
kabod -> kobu -> homu -> homare
Modern Japanese meaning: Ancient Hebrew meaning:
honour, honor H3519. kabowd, noun masculine, feminine, abundance, honour, glory, 1, abudance, riches, 2, honour, splendour, glory, a., wealth and splendour, b., splendour of his wealth, c., of God, glory, in historic and ideal, 3, honour, dignity, withhold from honour, descend from, send after, take me to honour, before honour, humility, dignitaries, nobility, 4, honour, reputation, neither will it be for thine honour, and searching out of their glory is, the honour of God is to conceal a thing, but the honour of kings is to search out a thing., 5, my honour, 6, honour, reverence, glory, of men, due to a father, do honour to, the honour due to me, say Glory, exult with, 7, the object, my glory, their glory
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