探す, 捜す

Yamato: sagasu

Ancient Hebrew: baqash

Modern Japanese: sagusu strongs: 1245
Romanization:      sagasu
JMDict:                 1593670
H1245. baqash, verb, seek, Pi`el, 1, seek to find:, a., b., a flea, c., d., 2, seek to secure:, seek to take one's life, aim at, practise:, seek hurt, 3, seek the face, of rulers, of God, 4, desire, demand:, 5. a., require, exact, exact equivalent, penalty, 6, ask, request, Pu`al, be sought
Modern Japanese meaning: Ancient Hebrew meaning:
to search for, to look for, to hunt for, to seek, to search (a house, pocket, etc.), to search through, to rummage in (e.g. a drawer), to fish around H1245. baqash, verb, seek, Pi`el, 1, seek to find:, a., b., a flea, c., d., 2, seek to secure:, seek to take one's life, aim at, practise:, seek hurt, 3, seek the face, of rulers, of God, 4, desire, demand:, 5. a., require, exact, exact equivalent, penalty, 6, ask, request, Pu`al, be sought
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