為す, 成す

Yamato: nasu

Ancient Hebrew: bana

Modern Japanese: nasu strongs: 1129
Romanization:      nasu
JMDict:                 1157130
H1129. banah, verb, build, banû, Qal, 1, a., rebuild, i., b., c., and he, fashioned the rib into a woman, d., e., builder, f., g., and he built, the hill, h., build at, 12b, 2, build a house, rebuild, restore, build up Israel, Niph`al, 1. a., be built, to be built, be rebuilt:, 2. a., established, of childless wife, by means of concubine, I shall be built up, from, through her, Qal 2 a.
Modern Japanese meaning: Ancient Hebrew meaning:
to build up, to establish, to form, to become (a state), to accomplish, to achieve, to succeed in, to change into, to do, to perform, to intend to, to attempt, to try H1129. banah, verb, build, banû, Qal, 1, a., rebuild, i., b., c., and he, fashioned the rib into a woman, d., e., builder, f., g., and he built, the hill, h., build at, 12b, 2, build a house, rebuild, restore, build up Israel, Niph`al, 1. a., be built, to be built, be rebuilt:, 2. a., established, of childless wife, by means of concubine, I shall be built up, from, through her, Qal 2 a.
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